Exam FAQs

When do exams take place?

The exams take place towards the end of each term in November, March and June. Your music teacher will advise if you are ready to enter an exam.

What if the dates don’t work for me?

A form is completed to enter a music exam, so you will need to let us know on the application form if there are any particular dates you cannot attend for an exam. Once you have been entered, the exam dates and times will be set and as such these are very difficult to change at the last minute. If you cannot make the exam date given you will need to enter again in a new term. If there are any changes or cancellations, please be aware that any fees incurred cannot be refunded.

How do I find an accompanist?

We can provide an accompanist for all exams that require one. Details of costs for each exam level are on the application form.

Can I use photocopies of the music required?

No, you must purchase the original exam books and pieces for use in your exam.

What if I’m sick on the day?

If your child cannot take the exam due to sickness, please advise us before the scheduled exam time and obtain a medical certificate. Please forward it directly to sian.noctor@southglos.gov.uk so that we can forward it to the exam board. The exam board will provide you with a voucher towards the cost of another exam, which will be 50% of the original entry fee.

What happens in the exams?

You’ll be required to play three short pieces, along with some technical exercises – typically scales and arpeggios, and answer some tests of musicianship or aural tests. These provide an indication of all-round musicianship and not just the ability to play pieces.

I’ve taken my exam – when will I find out the results?

Exam results have to be thoroughly checked and monitored before certificates are printed and sent out, so it may be up to three weeks before your results are available.